Hi everyone!
I'm really sorry that I haven't written anything in English for such a long time but it's pretty hard just writing one or two entries a day in Swedish but I promise to try to write here more often. Right now I have summer vacation and it's great. Iv'e visited my cousins who live about four and a half hour from us(by car)and on Friday next week I'm traveling to France for the first time in my life. I'm really excited!!
When riding starts in fall I'm going to compete for the first time in my life,(well I competed at the riding camp I went to this summer, comment if you want to hear about it, in showjumping and it went really well) first in an easy show jumping competition and then in dressage, several times I hope.
I've also started training Stumpan(our rabbit)to jump and it's going really well so when she can jump a little higher I'm planning to compete with her in rabbit jumping but I have no idea when. Please send comments to me if you have any ideas of things you want me to write about or if you want to tell me what you think of my entries! To send a comment you press the link under the entrie that says "Kommentarer" and then if you aren't logged in it will ask you o log on to your Google account and then you just write what you want to sau and press "Skicka". I am looking forward to receiving lots of comments from you so that I can make my blog even better and more fun for you to read!
Ps. This is a message in Swedish so don't try to ead it if you don't know Swedish. I'm just explaining to people who don't know English why this entrie isn't in Swedish.
det här inlägget är på engelska som dom flesta av er säkert har märkt och det tillhör kategorin English på min blogg så om ni inte kan engelska så behöver ni inte bry er om det här inlägget.
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